
More than catchy tunes

I started out in Atlanta with my $100 Peavy speakers and a $50 Shure microphone. I believe my first gig was the downtown Biltmore, but I could be wrong. I've played a lot of hotels and more than a few dives. 


I once had an agent who sent me into a honky tonk joint in Tampa, Florida. I was playing jazz and standards. They literally asked me to leave -- in the middle of a set. Boom.


I've played wherever they've sent me ... dark jazzy bars, nice suit and tie clubs, and larger venues. I've gotten standing ovations in clubs and amens in church. Both feel spectacular, by the way.


I write songs about stuff that's happened to me and stuff that's happened to people I know. I reach for real every time and hope I meet that mark more times than not.


Reach me at connect@emmeleine.com and 864.221.6331.

Current Project

I'm currently working on my next album, THESE STORIES.  Each song is a story I, or someone I know, has lived.  Some of these are pretty intense stories, including my latest release, Coming For Me.  Check it out here. I'm releasing one song a month between February and December, and the final full album will be released on December 13, 2024.    
